Shook me.
To my core.
I don't think she meant for it to happen, but there was a distinct Before and After the part of the conversation I am referring to.
Before I was present, enthusiastic, probing. Giggling and responding appropriately, anticipating and steering conversation aware of our limited time because of vastly different (complete opposite) time zones.
After she said what she said, I was left attending to that thought like a colicky baby. Distracted. Wary. Confused.
Sometimes revelations come softly, gradually . Like a gentle hand on the shoulder or a drink of something warm on a cool day. You can trace the heat. Feel the path. Know what's coming.
And some revelations come out of nowhere.
Like a bee sting.
The long of it is too long for a blog post and too short to make a novel.
The short of it is this : my friend looks very much like me. In theory. Three kids, more than comfortable house in suburbia, USA, Bible study on Tuesdays, strong support group of like-minded friends, Christian music at the ready in home or car.
You get the picture.
'Propped up' she called it. Moving to Africa last year removed many of those props.
Take away your church (not just the comfortable and stylish building, but possibly also the ability to meet with a group of believers)
Your music as a way of worship
Your weekly scheduled Bible study from 9:30 to 11:30 where the material is provided
Beth Moore live via satellite channeled straight to your sanctuary
Daily verses delivered to your iphone or computer
None of these things are bad or wrong. God speaks to us in many different ways. These things are a delicious icing on your faith cake.
But you know what they say: icing does not a cake make. And maybe I made that up but walk with me just a little farther, please.
What about these props?
legs (or knees in my case)
What my precious friend said that rattled my bones was this:
When you take away all of those things, the things that prop us up to God...what is left is...
what is.
Test me, O Lord, and try me,
examine my heart and my mind;
for your love is ever before me,
and I walk continually in your truth.
Psalm 26:2
Thank you for this!